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Low water pressure? Zero pressure is the solution!

4 September 2023

Zero Pressure, the control unit that performs even when there is no water pressure.

Would you like to set up a micro-irrigation system, but don’t have enough water pressure? Zero Pressure is the perfect product for situations like this!
This is a tap control unit that, unlike other tap units, allows water to be delivered even with minimal flow and pressure values. This ‘superpower’ is made possible by the presence of an internal valve that is operated by energy from 2 x 1.5V batteries.
Its simple operating mechanism makes programming simple and easy, ultimately making it one of the most viable options for setting up a dripline micro-irrigation system.

How it works and what applications it is used for

The control unit has a ball valve inside that does not require flow and pressure values in order to operate. This means that the control unit is independent of the hydraulic characteristics of the system. Of course, certain aspects of the area to be irrigated, which are beyond the characteristics of the controller, must be taken into account, namely:

  • Size of area to be irrigated
  • Length of tubes
  • Water consumption of the sectors to be irrigated

Every irrigation system must have water design values that allow the system to function properly in general. Zero Pressure, operating with minimum pressures and flow rates, is suitable for irrigating 15 m2 and is therefore particularly suitable for flower beds, terraces and small vegetable gardens.
Also, to check that the battery is charged, check the LED located in the centre between the two control knobs.

How to programme the Zero Pressure control unit

Zero Pressure is a controller that is very easy to programme: it has two control knobs that allow you to enter the duration and frequency of irrigation. In just two simple steps you will then be able to start watering your plants!
The starting time depends on when the programming is done manually.

Let’s understand what this means in practice:

It is 08:00 and I set the watering frequency every hour (1 hour). The controller will water for the first time one hour later, i.e. at 09:00 and at 1-hour intervals.

It is 08:00 and I set the watering frequency twice a day (every 12 hours). The controller will irrigate for the first time 12 hours after manual programming, i.e. the first cycle will start at 20:00 and continue at 12-hour intervals.

It is 08:00 am and I set the daily frequency (every 24 hours). The controller will irrigate for the first time the next day, i.e. at 08:00 the next morning and at 24-hour intervals, again at 08:00 in the morning.

For instantaneous (manual) irrigation, simply set the right-hand slider to ‘ON’.

Together with its simple operation, Zero Pressure also allows for a margin of flexibility. The delay button allows you to postpone the first irrigation start time by 1 hour (if pressed once) or 2 hours (if pressed twice consecutively). Therefore, the time of the first start will be dictated by the sum of frequency hours + delay hours set.

Let us once again give a practical example:

It is 08:00 and I set the watering frequency every hour (1 hour), but I press the delay button once to delay the start by a further hour. The controller will irrigate for the first time two hours later at 10:00 (1 hour dictated by the frequency + 1 hour dictated by the delay) and at 1-hour intervals. The second irrigation will then start at 11:00, the third at 12:00 and so on.

It is 08:00 and I set the watering frequency twice a day (every 12 hours), but I press the delay button twice to delay the start by two hours. The controller will irrigate for the first time 14 hours after manual programming (12 hours dictated by the frequency + 2 hours dictated by the delay), i.e. at 22:00 and at 12-hour intervals. The second irrigation will then start at 10:00, the third again at 22:00 and so on.

Recommendations for use

Zero Pressure is a controller for outdoor use and you can safely leave it installed on the tap, as it is designed to withstand adverse rain and weather conditions. At the end of the season, on the other hand, and all the more so at the onset of winter when the ambient temperature drops below 4°C, the controller should be detached and carefully stored in a dry, protected place to prevent any water inside from freezing, expanding and damaging the device.
We recommend completing the system with drip wings and porous tubing. For those who are approaching the world of irrigation for the first time and feel a little inexperienced or simply have a passion for DIY, we would like to point out that the Zero Pressure control unit is also available in two versions of the practical micro-irrigation kit for home gardens: Kit MyFarm “Dripline” and Kit MyFarm “Porous Pipe”. The ideal solution for those who want to assemble the system themselves in the vegetable garden, but want to buy all the right products in one solution!

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